Please join us as we Walk4Water on April 30, 2023. We will start at Two Rivers Park (near the wavepool and playground). Families will be invited to bring a picnic lunch, fellowship, play games, etc. For those participating in the walk, we will do our 4 mile walk - for the others, you are welcome to continue fellowshipping and giving encouragement to those who are walking. Once you arrive, you will see the Healing Hands / Walk4Water tents and staff. Our event goal is $7500 which is enough to build 1 well. Check out the link below for more info and to register!
It is important that you register you or your team of people so you can begin helping towards our goal!
Every day in developing countries, women and children walk an average of 4 miles to collect water for their family. Not only is this chore keeping the children from attending school, but the dirty water they are bringing home is also killing them at an alarming rate!
On average, 842,000 people die a year from water-related illnesses. More children die every day from dirty water than from malaria, aids, and measles COMBINED.
This is why thousands of people around the country choose to Walk4Water.
Walk4Water is a fundraising program within Healing Hands International that helps support its water ministry. Starting in 2007, Walk4Water has hosted events in communities all over the nation at schools, churches, and organizations. The goal is to bring the life-saving gift of clean water to those who need it so desperately. HHI has funded drilling for clean water since 2001 and completed our 1000th well in April 2018. Upon hitting this goal more than 2 million people will have been given access to clean water.
Check out Dr. Charles’ story of how his community was impacted by the well that the McKenzie Walk4Water provided his community.