How Our Effort Works
The Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort immediately responds to any major disaster in the continental United States by sending truckloads of emergency food, water, cleaning, and other supplies to be distributed to all disaster victims in the disaster area through a local Church of Christ. We are a non-profit corporation, tax-exempt from state and federal income taxes under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in section 501(c)(3). The organization has fifteen employees consisting of an office staff, a warehouse crew, and 5 men that travel across the country telling local congregations about the work of Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort. So most importantly, our unpaid volunteer workers, and volunteer truck drivers are the secret to the success of our organization.
Who Supports Us?
Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort is voluntarily supported by Churches of Christ, individuals, corporations, and other non-profit agencies nationwide. Many congregations have COCDRE in their monthly budget. In 2014, 668 congregations in 39 states plus the District of Columbia, and 2,938 individuals or families from 47 states plus DC supported us financially. In addition, many leading corporations from across the country matched the donation gifts of their employees that support us, along with donating substantial amounts of product.