

We have made online giving available to every member and visitor. You may choose to give here or place your contribution in the plate each Sunday as you wish.

We encourage you to attend the Sunday worship service to fully partake of the blessing of God's Word, sing, pray, participate in the weekly communion, and give. But if you are unable to attend the service, we are providing you the option of online giving.  This allows members, friends, and visitors to give to the church to further to cause of Christ either as a weekly contribution or donating to a special cause.

Giving online allows you set up an automatic bank draft from your checking or savings account or a charge to your credit/debit card.

To use the online giving platform, click the link at the top of the page or click here.


You will be able to GIVE by clicking the Rebel Give logo anytime you see it at the bottom of any of our web pages.  It looks like this:


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is it secure?

Yes, our online provider, REBEL GIVE, maintains standard security measures online to keep your information safe. 

2. Are there transaction fees involved for the church?

NO. Most traditional giving services take a portion of each gift, but our provider is different. They don't take from your gift, they simply ask the giver to cover a small convenience fee so that the church receives all of what you give. 

3. What fees do I pay as a giver?

If you give through a credit or debit card, you are charged a 1.94% transaction fee on the amount you give. But if you give through an ACH Bank Draft your gift is WITHOUT service fees. Yep, it cost you nothing nor does it cost the church anything for you to give through a bank draft. 

4. Do I have to set up an account with Rebel Give?

You don't. But we recommend that you do, so you can monitor your giving and have flexibility to change or update your bank information, card information, or emails as needed. Plus with an account you can better control your recurring contribution. 

5. If I have any questions, who do I contact?

You can contact the church office and they will help answer any questions you may have. The easiest way to contact us is by sending an email to

6. What if I have any questions about the giving provider?

You can find out more about them and what they are all about at