Responding to the Global Health Crisis

The elders continue to watch and stay up to date with the data coming in about COVID-19 cases in Davidson county. We are encouraged to see new cases return to much lower levels. We’re also glad to see Davidson county restrictions relaxed and schools return to in person learning. With these improvements we would once again like to make a few minor changes when we gather at the building for worship and bible class on Sunday and Wednesday.


Masks can be removed once you’re seated in the auditorium for worship and Bible class. Please continue to wear your mask when we sing, when entering and exiting the building, as well as in all other Bible classes outside of the auditorium. Please sit in the designated row labeled AM or PM during the corresponding time that you are attending.


After the dismissal prayer adults and children can exit the auditorium through any exit. Please take your time and wear your mask when exiting.

We're asking all teachers nursery-12th grade to wear a mask in Bible class. Preschool students are not required to wear masks, but we're asking all students in grades K-12th grade to please wear a mask in class due to the fact that we cannot spread out enough. All classroom spaces will be sanitized and unused until the following Sunday.

We again want to emphasize that each family needs to determine what is best for them in regards to worshiping at the building or virtually. We fully support whatever decision you believe is best for your family. We hope and pray that everyone continues to stay safe during these challenging times.


You can access the live stream at You can also access the live stream via our Facebook page at  If you do not have internet access or are not comfortable with accessing the live stream, you can call in to the following conference number on your phone and listen to the service. The number to dial is 312-626-6799 and put in Meeting ID: 242 340 3262. Please reach out to members who do not have internet and tell them about this option.

Everyone, whether you are especially vulnerable or not, is encouraged to use your own best judgement about when you feel it is safe for you and your family to return. Please know that you will not be judged to be weak or unfaithful for not attending. Anyone that is sick or not feeling well, regardless of the symptoms, is asked not to assemble at this time.

The water fountains will not be usable. We suggest that you bring a water bottle if needed.

Families or groups already in close contact, please sit together. Children will need to remain with parents at all times. We will have every other pew taped off and that should allow plenty of seats while maintaining the 6-foot social distance.

Communion will be available for pick up as you enter the building. Please take it to your seat for use at the proper time. After using, place it in the cup holder on the pew in front of you. They will be picked up later.

In regard to giving, please use the online tool at or mail a check to the church, P.O. Box 140410 Nashville, TN 37214. There will also be a box available in the foyer for your contribution. Please place it in the box when either entering or exiting the building.